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A Call to White People: March Against Genocide, from St. Louis to Gaza! Free the Uhuru 3! Reparations Now!

A Call to White People: March Against Genocide, from St. Louis to Gaza! Free the Uhuru 3! Reparations Now!  This is an urgent call to the white community: Stand against genocide of colonized peoples! 

Don’t stand by and watch while the U.S. sends $17 billion to bomb the people of Palestine and bury Palestinian children under the rubble! 

Don’t stand by while the U.S. government continues to lynch African people by death penalty such as Marcellus Williams in Missouri! 

Don’t stand by while Leonard Peltier languishes in colonial prison for the past 50 years because he has fought for the Indigenous people to be free! The Indigenous people are the most impoverished people in the U.S. on their own stolen land. 

Don’t stand by while the U.S. government attempts to silence and imprison Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the Uhuru 3 for fighting for reparations and liberation for African people! 

Colonialism is not a thing of the past! 

Many white people are appalled at what is happening but don’t know how to stop what the U.S. government is doing in our name. We can take a stand right here inside the belly of the beast, through solidarity with African people who have always been the driving force of all progressive change in this country! 

The African Liberation Movement has always stood up for all colonized and oppressed peoples.  Under the leadership of the African People’s Socialist Party, the African People’s Solidarity Committee and Uhuru Solidarity Movement have held annual marches and actions against genocide since 1979. Never has it been more urgent than it is today! 

The struggle against colonialism starts here. 

Join the annual Days of Reparations to African People Campaign to organize the white community to stand in solidarity with African, Palestinian, Indigenous and oppressed peoples’ right to struggle for liberation and reparations! 

The U.S. government wants to put Chairman Omali Yeshitela and the Uhuru 3 in prison for up to five years! At this critical moment, the responsibility for the white community to take a public stand in solidarity with the African Liberation struggle is critical. We demand, “Free the Uhuru 3! No More Genocide In Our Name! Reparations Now!”  

Join the March Against Genocide in St. Louis, MO on October 26 ( and join the national reparations conference on October 27, titled “White Solidarity with African Liberation: Principled Unity with the Colonized and Oppressed Peoples of the World.” (

Reparations in action: Material solidarity with African liberation 

The Days of Reparations to African People campaign is committed to raise $30,000 to Black Star Industries, the foundation of the independent anti-colonial African economy. We will not allow the U.S. government to be successful in their goal to drain the African Liberation Movement of resources. 

As Chairman Omali Yeshitela has stated, “Unity through reparations is a positive message. Millions of white people feel trapped with the history they’ve had with African people, without knowing the way out of it. The stand of solidarity is the way for white people to escape this treacherous trap that has been imposed on you! Solidarity with African people is the basis for your liberation!” 

Every contribution to the Days of Reparations campaign will go towards the funding of programs such as the African Independence Workforce Program, which works to reverse the damage of the colonial prison system that has been used as an instrument of repression against the African community. 

Be one of 300 people to contribute $100 in reparations to the anti-colonial programs of the African People’s Socialist Party! Donate at

Register for the March Against Genocide on Saturday, October 26th in St. Louis, MO

Register for the National Reparations Conference on Sunday, October 27th:

Pack the Court on November 25 in Tampa, FL to demand, “Not one day in prison! Free the Uhuru 3! Hands Off Chairman Omali Yeshitela!”

No More Genocide In Our Name! Reparations Now! 

Join the Uhuru Solidarity Movement at

White solidarity with Black Power! Uhuru!